Sunday, April 28, 2019

Please visit - Click the link in my bio! I need the traffic so I can remain an Amazon Influencer! Here’s the whole story: I need your help again! An Amazon Affiliate account allows me to post links that make me a tiny commission if you buy stuff through my links. A few months ago, my Amazon Affiliate account was going to expire because I didn’t have any purchases through it. But I asked you guys to click on and enough of you made purchases that I was able to remain an Amazon Affiliate. Now, recently I was accepted as an Amazon Influencer, which lets me have my own page with a “vanity URL” where I can post products I recommend. I haven’t had any traffic to that, so they’re going to shut it down. If all of you could click on it, hopefully that will give me enough traffic. And if you buy stuff after clicking on it, even better, because I’ll make a tiny commission (something like 1%) and it costs you nothing extra. I’ve posted recommendations for the recording equipment I use. If there are other categories you want me to make recommendations for, please let me know! In other exciting news, I’ve gotten approved for Amazon Merch, which means on Amazon I can sell T-shirts on with my designs on them. I just submitted my hand-drawn logo and hopefully it will be approved soon. So shortly you should be able to buy my T-shirts at that link too. 👕 #amazoninfluencer #amazonaffiliate #smallbusiness #minimalism #influencer #Toronto #Ottawa I am: #celebrityinterviewer #entertainmentreporter #radiohost #podcaster #comedian #actor #voiceactor #singersongwriter #guitarist #cartoonist #artist #copywriter #screenwriter #filmmaker #digitalnomad #locationindependent #entrepreneur #minimalist #journalist Other tags: #beauty #realestate #model #modelingagency

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