The life and work of Josh Rachlis: Copywriter, voice actor, comedian, TV and radio personality, screenwriter, cartoonist, singer/songwriter, environmentalist, politician and cupcake judge.
July 31: I might have had this wrong - This might be for the 18-year-old victim, not the 10-year-old. Sickening either way. A memorial for the Danforth shooting. The girl’s friends wrote on the restaurant window about the many fun times they had visiting the place together. I was walking around after I watched #416lightupthenight event in response to the shootings. 😢 #Toronto #travel #tourism #restaurant #foodie #hotel #smallbusiness #socialmediatips #socialmediaagency #socialmediamarketing #ecommerce #modelling #fashion I’m a: #entrepreneur #influencer #socialmediamanager #socialmediaexpert #copywriter #talentagent #photographer #entertainmentreporter #comedian #actor #voiceactor #singersongwriter #cartoonist #filmmaker #podcaster #digitalnomad
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