Monday, January 21, 2013

I told my trashed apartment story on DNTO

The January 12, 2013 episode of CBC Radio's DNTO (Definitely Not The Opera) was about "How are you managing your debt?" (To see the web page for that episode, click here.) I was on the show telling the story about how I rented out my old condo for a night to help pay for my new condo that was being built. That one-night rental resulted in a huge party in which my apartment got trashed. Which resulted in me being on the American TV show Judge Karen's Court. Yes, my life sucks. But at least it provides entertainment for all of America, and now all of Canada. To hear my story on DNTO, click on the orange arrow:

And here's the Judge Karen's Court episode mentioned in the story:

Here's me telling the story in the CBC studio a few days before the show aired.

Here's a screengrab from where they mentioned my story and included a link to my blog.

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