Saturday, March 11, 2006

Josh is doing a radio show on Newstalk 1010 CFRB on March 21 and 22!!!

I'm gonna be burning up the airwaves as I co-host the Nightside show with my friend Tony Daniels (who used to work with Howard Stern) from 11pm to 1am on Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday March 22. This may lead to a lifetime of radio stardom. Or it may be the last time I'm ever allowed in front of a microphone. In which case you should listen in, as it may be your last chance to hear me on air. You should probably listen to the first night, actually. Just in case. Might not be given the second night. Haha! Just kidding. Of course I'll be given the second night. And many more to come. Because I will be spreading love and kindness and laughter to the masses. And Lord knows, the world needs more love and kindness and laughter.

If you're not in range of Toronto's Newstalk 1010 CFRB (at 1010 AM on your radio dial), you can listen in at

And don't be shy to call into the show! You may be our only listener.