The life and work of Josh Rachlis: Copywriter, voice actor, comedian, TV and radio personality, screenwriter, cartoonist, singer/songwriter, environmentalist, politician and cupcake judge.
I interview @kimama.donburies Korean Japanese restaurant! 🎤 DM me to interview your business! 🎤 After the @NobuToronto ground-breaking, my neighbor Kathleen and I investigated a little restaurant we’d never noticed before. Turns out it’s Korean food in a Japanese style. We’ll definitely be eating there often! And maybe I should be making daily videos to promote them? 🍜 The background: Monday morning, Kathleen messaged me that she’d come across an event. Robert De Niro, Chef Nobu and Toronto Mayor @johntory were going to speak at the launch of the world’s first integrated Nobu Residences, Nobu Hotel and Nobu Restaurant, by @nobuhospitality and @madisonhomes - Right across the street from my condo. (A year ago I was on their email list and I started emailing a bit with them about maybe making promo videos for them. But they never flew me to Vegas. Alas!) I went downstairs with paper and markers and drew a quick doodle in case I had a chance to give it to Robert. There was a horde of professional autograph seekers who sell autographs on @ebaycanada and when Robert walked past, they knocked over the velvet ropes and thus Robert kept moving. But after the speeches, Kathleen asked a lanyard-wearing woman to give Robert my cartoon. Her name is Rachelle and she works at @aerialpr, which does the PR for this project. So maybe my cartoon is now hanging above Robert’s fireplace beside his Oscar! 🔥 #toronto #korea #japan #koreanfood #japanesefood #restaurant #restaurantreview I am: #foodie #influencer #entrepreneur #socialmediamanager #copywriter #adagency #celebrityinterviewer #entertainmentreporter #radiohost #tvhost #comedian #actor #voiceactor #singersongwriter #cartoonist #screenwriter #travelblogger #lifestyleblogger #foodblogger #entertainmentblogger #YouTuber #podcaster #digitalnomad
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