The life and work of Josh Rachlis: Copywriter, voice actor, comedian, TV and radio personality, screenwriter, cartoonist, singer/songwriter, environmentalist, politician and cupcake judge.
Crowd mobs Robert De Niro at the @NobuToronto ground-breaking as my neighbor Kathleen tries to hand him my cartoon! đź“ť Monday morning, my neighbor Kathleen messaged me that she’d come across an event. Robert De Niro, Chef Nobu and Toronto Mayor @johntory were going to speak at the launch of the world’s first integrated Nobu Residences, Nobu Hotel and Nobu Restaurant, by @nobuhospitality and @madisonhomes - Right across the street from my condo. (A year ago I was on their email list and I started emailing a bit with them about maybe making promo videos for them. But they never flew me to Vegas. Alas!) I went downstairs with paper and markers and drew a quick doodle in case I had a chance to give it to Robert. There was a horde of professional autograph seekers who sell autographs on @ebaycanada and when Robert walked past, they knocked over the velvet ropes and thus Robert kept moving. But after the speeches, Kathleen asked a lanyard-wearing woman to give Robert my cartoon. Her name is Rachelle and she works at @aerialpr, which does the PR for this project. So maybe my cartoon is now hanging above Robert’s fireplace beside his Oscar! 🔥 #toronto #robertdeniro #condo #cartoon #art #realestate #hotel #restaurant I am: #influencer #entrepreneur #socialmediamanager #copywriter #adagency #celebrityinterviewer #entertainmentreporter #radiohost #tvhost #comedian #actor #voiceactor #singersongwriter #cartoonist #screenwriter #travelblogger #lifestyleblogger #foodblogger #entertainmentblogger #YouTuber #podcaster #digitalnomad
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