Saturday, December 16, 2017

My entertainment reporting is featured in @vulture, a huge @nymag pop culture site! In a profile of @actordougjones, star of @realgdt‘s @shapeofwatermovie, they referenced my @tiff_net interview where I showed Doug a cartoon I drew of him. And the headline shows that the article was built around the question I asked Doug. It was a lot of work to draw cartoons of the celebrities. And it took a long time to upload the vids to all my social media. But as this shows, you never know which video, cartoon or post will be the one that leads to more. So you just have to persevere, like Doug has! 🌟 #Toronto #TIFF17 #cartoon #reporter #journalist #entertainmentjournalist #Hollywood #redcarpet I am a: #entrepreneur #influencer #celebrityinterviewer #entertainmentreporter #radiohost #tvhost #comedian #actor #voiceactor #singersongwriter #cartoonist #screenwriter #filmcritic #travelblogger #lifestyleblogger #foodblogger #entertainmentblogger #fashionblogger #mommyblogger #YouTuber #podcaster #digitalnomad

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